This special offer is limited to 1 x Family for one time only, and family members cannot be repeated during the period.
Reservation must be made by phone at least 7-day before photo shooting date, reservation for Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday is recommended 60-day booking in advance.
Voucher will expire in 1 year after the date of issuance.
Each voucher usage from the last voucher redeemed to be at least 6 months apart. (the date will be starting counted from the photo selection date).
This package is valid for Weekdays only, an additional charge of HK$300 is required for Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.
Client may require the Professional Make-up and Hair Styling service, an additional service charge should be HK$500 per person.
The package is valid for a maximum of 4 family members, an extra charge of additional member will be HK$300 per person. Pet will be counted as 1 family member.
Reservation once confirmed are not changeable and refundable. An additional charge of HK$300 is required for cancellation fee.
The reservation will be automatically cancelled, in case of inclement weather conditions: Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above and Black Rainstorm Warning Signal. SENS Studio will contact the client for a subsequent arrangement.
Package Detail:
– 2位主人 & 2位小毛孩
– 附送全部數碼檔案連基本光暗調色
– 120分鐘拍攝時段
– 6”x6” 金屬畫架一張
– SENS 5”x7”無縫相簿連Coating (5頁10版)
– 豁免星期六、日及公眾假期附加費
– 可選擇城門水塘或山頂公園拍攝
(This item support online purchase)
用光和影留下你和牠的每個溫馨細節… 撫養寵物是一生一世的承諾,寵物在主人心中就像是親生兒女。在特大的拍攝空間中,牠可以無拘無束,自由地與你玩樂。攝影師會為你紀錄低最自然溫馨的畫面。
條款與細則 (只有英文版)
HK$2,388.00 – HK$4,388.00 選擇規格早鳥優惠!SENS「中學/大學/碩士/博士畢業攝影套餐」
HK$988.00 – HK$1,888.00 選擇規格室內家庭攝影套餐
HK$1,680.00 – HK$6,980.00 選擇規格